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One ESD 100-1500-100-R-LD-BSS-PV was delivered

Issuing time:2023-12-18 13:34

In Dec 2023, Bridge Technology successfully delivered one 100KW/1500V/100A ESD Series Programmable DC Power Supply (Model No. ESD 100-1500-100-R-LD-BSS-PV) to a research institute in Beijing.

ESD 100-1500-100-R-LD-BSS-PV uses bi-directional design, which makes it possible to be used as DC power source or regenerative DC load. CV/CC/CP/CR operation modes are available for both sourcing and sinking.

It can simulate IV curves of various solar panels, under various temperature and irradiance condition, and conduct static and dynamic MPPT tests according to EN 50530: 2010.MPP update rate: 200Hz. Irradiance levels: 0 ~ 1500 W/m². Temperature: -10 ~ +100°C. Temperature coefficient: +1% ~ -1%/°C. In addition, it can simulate the charging and discharging characteristics of the power battery pack/package and provide battery simulation software, which supporting multiple parameter settings, including: battery types, battery capacity, the number of cells in series and parallel, the state of charge, etc.

The BriPower ESD series is IGBT PWM switching DC power supply, which contains multi output power levels from 30kW to 500kW for single system, up to 4 individual systems can be paralleled to up to 2MW system. Output power level of customized system goes up to 4MW and above. ESD provides standard software to support multiple parameter settings. Combined with the storage and reload function of sequence mode, which can complete the product test and provide a cost-effective solution for user tests.

One ESD 100-1500-100-R-LD-BSS-PV was delivered.jpg

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