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BriPower successfully delivered 1st ZGX 15

Issuing time:2023-09-13 13:35

In Sep 2023, the first ZGX 15 developed by Bridge Technology was successfully delivered to the Electrical Engineering of one famous university in Beijing.

The ZGX series is a compact modular design power supply with SiC PWM technology, providing full functions of grid simulator, battery simulator, PV simulator, regenerative AC/DC load, bipolar DC source and RLC/RCD load.

The 15KVA bidirectional power supply is designed in a 4U chassis and can be upgraded to 960KVA system by master/slave paralleling. The maximum output of each unit is AC 450V L-N, 30A/ph, DC~1KHz or DC 636V, 30A/ch.

BriPowerTM power supplies provide standard software to support multiple parameter settings. Combined with the storage and reload function of sequence mode, which can complete the product test and provide a cost-effective solution for user tests.


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