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One BSL 100-800-250 was successfully delivered

Issuing time:2024-01-16 14:14

In Jan 2024, Bridge Technology successfully delivered one BSL series High Power DC Power Source & Load (Model No.: BSL 100-800-250) to a vehicle manufacturer in Shenzhen, China, which can output 100KW, 800V, ±250A for inverter testing.

BriPower BSL series is IGBT PWM switching DC power supply, which contains multi output power levels 100kW/150kW/200kW/250kW/300kW for single system. BSL Series DC Power supply has an automatic wide-range output function. BSL standard models provide 1000V/ 1500V/2000V voltage and *2/*3/*4 current. And BSL series have Master/salve interface which can be paralleled to achieve the higher power/current range.

BSL series uses bi-directional design, which can be used as DC power source or regenerative DC load. CV/CC/CP/CR operation modes are available for both sourcing and sinking.

BriPower power supplies provide standard software to support multiple parameter settings. Combined with the storage and reload function of sequence mode, which can complete the product test and provide a cost-effective solution for user tests.

One BSL 100-800-250 was successfully delivered.jpg

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